Bitter Gourd Powder

Extracts:The fruit of Bitter Gourd

Product Specifications:

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Product Description:

Source: The fruit of Bitter Gourd

Solubility: Soluble in water

Appearance: Light yellow powder

Function: function
Bitter gourd powder bitter cold, with Qingshu dispel heat, eyesight detoxification, nourishing Qi and other effects of fever, thirst, heat stroke, diarrhea, red eyes, swollen carbuncle erysipelas, malignant sore and so have a therapeutic effect; in addition, bitter active ingredient contained in the "plant insulin", that bitter glycosides, safe, stable to lower blood sugar, it is important to improve the pancreatic gland function repair B cells, complications have significant improvement, while the regulation of blood lipids, lowering blood pressure role, but also to enhance the activity of insulin-secreting cells, the ability to regulate blood sugar itself enhanced, accelerated glucose oxidation, in line with the laws of nature human metabolism; the role of bitter melon is another Qingshu Chufan, solution,, eyesight, Qi impotence, usually eat bitter melon can disinfection, pathogenic fire, and bitter as well as "plant insulin" reputation, can prevent and improve the complications of diabetes, can regulate blood fat and improve immunity.

2.lose weight function
Bitter gourd contains precious as gold weight loss effects ingredients - energy CLT prime


1.  Applied in food field, it is used as a flavor enhancer and sweetener in a wide variety of alcoholicbeverage, dessert foods and savory foods.

2.  Applied in cosmetics, it can be added into toothpaste and mouth wash.

3.  Applied in pharmaceutical field, it is mainly used to reducing the bitterness of in form.