Cucumber Powder

Extracts:The fruit of Cucumber

Product Specifications:

Active Ingredients:

Test Method:

Product Description:

Source: The fruit of Cucumber

Solubility: Soluble in water

Appearance: Light green powder


1. Anti-tumor: cucumber contains cucurbitacin C with improved human immune function, to achieve the purpose of anti-tumor. In addition, the substance and also the treatment of chronic hepatitis persistent hepatitis, primary liver cancer patients and prolong survival role.Anti-Aging: cucumber is rich in vitamin E, may play a longevity, anti-aging effect; cucumber cucumber enzyme, there is a strong biological activity, can effectively promote the body's metabolism. Daozhi rubbed the skin with cucumber, soothing, wrinkles and stretch effect.

2. Anti-Alcoholism: cucumber contained alanine, argining and glutamine for liver patients. Especially patients with alcoholic cirrhosis have a certain role of adjuvant therapy, can prevent alcoholism.

3. Hypoglycemic: cucumber contained glucoside, fructose does not participate in the normal glucose metabolism, so people with diabetes to eat cucumber on behalf of starchy foods, not only does not increase blood sugar, or even lower.


Cucumber powder can be used in baked goods, soup, health foods and cosmetics.